Holbein Designers’Gouache, available in 89Brilliant opaque colors, is Japan’sforemost designers’ color medium.Made from the finest pigmentsselected for high density saturation andlightfastness. Holbein adds no opaquing agents totheir gouache colors.
Grumbacher Academyhas been the best-selling brand ofwatercolors in theUnited States for years.Their palette of 60 colorsfeatures traditionalingredients, time-testedformulas, carefulmanufacturing, andattention to quality.Academy offersextravagant color at an affordable price.Grumbacher uses only the finest pigments,finely ground and evenly dispersed forproducing the vibrant washes and subtlegradations that make watercolor soappealing.Academy is of such quality that it is oftenused by professionals. Academy colors thathave dried on the palette are easilyresoluble with water. This cuts down onwaste, and allows artists to make their ownsemi-moist colors for outdoor painting.Available in 7.5 ml tubes.
Water colour more than any othermedium relies upon the variablecharacteristics of the pigments used. OurProfessional Water Colours use only thepurest pigments, and are known for theirbrilliance, permanence and strength ofcolour. With 75 single pigment colours in therange, we offer the widest range of modernand traditional pigments for superb colourmixing.Available at Charleston Location!
Dr. Ph. Martin's RadiantConcentrated Water Color isproduced in an extremelyconcentrated form to achieve thegreatest possible brilliance. Eachliquid color comes in an iconic0.5 oz (15 ml) glassbottle package with itsown eyedropper. Dr.Ph. Martin's colors areprimarily formulatedfor use in graphicarts work on papersurfaces intendedfor reproduction (e.g.cartooning,illustration, andother graphic arts), and areespecially popular forairbrushing. Like all anilinedye base colors, they arefugitive when exposed todirect sunlight overtime. For lightfast,archival watercoloruse Dr. Ph. Martin'sHydrus Fine ArtWatercolor.
Holbein Irodori Antique Watercoloris a line of 48 colors that are intendednot to replace our traditionalwatercolor range but to enhance it.These colors were created from theancient palette of pigments used byJapanese and Chinese painterscenturies ago. They are delicate andharmonious, highly saturatedand very eastern in flavor. Unlike thetransparent watercolors, these colorsgranulate more freely and tend to be slightlymore opaque, in the true Asian fashion. LikeHolbein transparent watercolors, thesepigments are of the finest quality mixed withgum arabic and there is no ox-gall added.Because of exceptional pigment density,which is the reason for the line’s outstandingbrilliance, there is less gum arabic in eachtube. Irodori is mat and flat. It will dry hardand may not adhere to the palette like atransparent watercolor. We recommend thatwhen using, squeeze only what you need foreach color.Ox gall is an additive used in watercolors toincrease the flow of pigment. While helpful insome instances, this chemical can impedebrushwork and decrease the vibrancy ofwashes. Artists can control the amount of ox-gall by adding this product themselves. Boththe beginner and the professional will findthis product easy to control and vibrant towork with. For the adventuresome painter,this line allows you to explore some lovelynew possibilities. Available in 15ml tubes.
A European styletransparentwatercolor, Holbeinwatercolor alsopreserves the brushhandling qualities inherent intraditional Japanese watercolor techniques.Without ox-gall or other dispersing agents,Holbein watercolor moves slowly, thuspermitting greater color density and brushcontrol. It is a color line with a consistentcreamy texture that remains smooth when dry without cracking, crumbling, chipping ormolding in the palette. It may be re-wettedeasily like a pan color. For this reasonHolbein does not produce watercolors in panform but allows artists to create their ownselection.Fill the wells of a suitable palette with thedesired color selection. Permit to dry, thenwet the color when needed. Holbeinwatercolors produce brilliant transparentwashes as well as powerful clean darks whenused in more concentrated applications.Engineered to surpass the quality standardsset by both North American and Europeanmanufacturers, Holbein watercolor is widelypreferred around the world for its handlingqualities. Holbein watercolor ranks as theworld’s finest.
For over 30 years, DANIEL SMITH inks andpaints have been formulated, produced andpackaged in Seattle. When you use a DANIELSMITH product, you support acommunity whose passion forcolor and quality hasfueled some of the mostinventive developmentsin the art materialsindustry.Daniel SmithWatercolors areon Sale!20% off
Acryla Gouache moves, reacts,blends and feels like traditionalgouache, but is effectivelywaterproof once fully dry. It israted for light-fastness, adapted tothe Munsell color standard forhue, value and chroma and ismade from the purest pigmentsavailable. Acryla Gouache may be used as asuccessful ground that will notcontaminate over painted layers.It will not shift in color tonefrom liquid to dried color.Hence, what you see wet is whatyou get when dry. Acryla Gouache does not have as fragile a surfaceas traditional gouache in gum arabic and iscompatible with all other water soluble mediaregardless of origin. An ideal medium forhobbyists and bird carvers as well.
A smoother, flatter, moreopaque, brilliant professionalgouache.Winsor & Newton have offeredthe finest professionalgouache available since 1935.Designers Gouache is a rangeof opaque water colours, used by designers,illustrators and commercial artists to createvibrant illustrations.With 82 colours, chosen for their colourbias (undertone), colour strength andrelative opacity, the range includes brightand lightfast colours.Available at the Charleston location!