Mold Max SeriesMold Max silicones are used around the world for a variety ofindustrial and art-related applications including architecturalrestoration, prototype model development, reproducing sculpture,creating special effects and themed environments.
OOMOOPerfect for beginners, hobbyists and craft makers, OOMOOsilicones are easy to use and inexpensive. They don’t require specialequipment to process and are ideal for making one-piece or two-pieceblock molds.
Smooth-SilSmooth-Sil silicones are ideal for making production molds ofany configuration, large or small. Urethane, urethane foams, epoxies,polyester resins, wax and low-melt metal alloys can be cast intoSmooth-Sil without application of release agent.
SORTA-ClearSORTA-Clear 18 and 40 are premium water white translucentsilicones that cure at room temperature. They feature exceptional tearand tensile strength. Rubber clarity is especially useful when extractingmodels via cutting. SORTA-Clear rubber is ideal for making prototype,jewelry or other molds of any configuration where model visibility isimportant. SORTA-Clear 18 and 40 are also food safe and used to makecustom chocolates, candy, cakes and more.
Mold StarMold Star 15, 16 and 30 silicones are easy to use and feature relativelylow viscosity meaning vacuum degassing is not required. Mold Star cures toa strong, resin resistant rubber that has good tear resistance and exhibitsvery low long-term shrinkage. Molds made with Mold Star silicones will lasta long time in your mold library and are good for casting wax, gypsum,resins, and other materials.
TASK 2 & TASK 3 - Low viscosity, fast cureresins made especially for rapid prototypingenvironments.TASK 4 - With exceptional flexural strength,TASK 4 plastic was developed to be unbreakablewhen cast in ultra thin-wall sections - as thin as asheet of paper.TASK 5 & TASK 6 - Time tested economyperformance resins.
TASK 7 Flame Out - Low viscosity, fast setresin that meets UL 94 V-O requirements for flameresistance.TASK 8 - Heat resistant urethane plastic thatcan withstand temperatures up to 263°F/129°C.TASK 9 ColorMatch - Readily accepts colorpigments and yields parts with extraordinarytensile strength.
TASK 11 - Semi rigid resin originally developed for high impacttooling (drop hammer punch). It also offers good abrasion and chemicalresistance.TASK 12 - Virtually indestructible semi-rigid resin that offersextraordinary handling strength and impact resistance. Castings aretough, durable and UV resistant.TASK 13 & Task 14 - High impact resistance, low cost semi-rigidplastics are used for a variety of industrial applications including fastmold making, prototyping, durable miniatures, black-colored props andspecial effects.TASK 15 - Exhibits exceptional impact strength when cast in thin-wall sections TASK 15 features a gradual cure profile, making it ideal forrotational casting applications.TASK 18 - Relatively low viscosity aluminum filled urethane resinthat was developed specifically for making short run vacuum formingmolds.TASK 21 - Described by many as having similar performance andmechanical characteristics to ABS plastic, with high compressive andflexural strength as well as good shock absorbance.