Le Beau Touché – HM(Sulfur Free)Le Beau Touché is asulfur-free, extremelysmooth, flexible andtacky sculpting Fine Art Plasteline withexceptional adhesive quality. The HMformula isless sensitive to heat variations and issuggested for use where workingenvironment is expected to reach 90º F.HM is slightly firmer and less tacky than LeBeau Touché – Original. Available in:Green, Brown or Cream. (Cream color will vary)
Clayette modeling clay issulfur-free, non-hardening, odor-free andflexible without beingsticky. Color: Off white Handling tips: Using small amounts ofcitrus-based solvents, lighter fluid, latexpaint removers, turpentine or mineralspirits as a lubricant on the surface of theclay will help to attain a smooth surface.Unique Properties: Clayette will not oxidizeand can be left out or heated and cooledrepeatedly without any significant changein the product. Clayette will not melt whenheated over 300 degrees F.Firmness: Clayette is available in soft,medium and hard. On a scale of 1-10 thesoft would be a 2, the medium a 4 and thehard would be a 6. Working Temp: Clayetteis generally used at room temperature butcan be warmed to soften.Hygiene: Wash hands with soap and waterafter use.
Super Sculpey is a very unique polymer clay,loved by artists, doll makers and animationstudios around the world. With a ceramic-likefeel, Super Sculpey is available in a semi-translucent beige that, once baked, capturesthe glow of real skin. It can also be mixed withPremo or Sculpey III to change the color. Aswith all of our polymer clays, it is easy tocondition right out of the package and stayssoft until you bake it. Super Sculpey featuresfine tooling and detailing characteristics, anddoes not “fill in” after tooling. Because of thefine tooling and detailing characteristics ofSuper Sculpey, it is frequently the chosen clayfor making prototypes from which molds aremade from the Super Sculpey sculptures; thenreproductions are made using the molds.Additionally, artists are producing finelydetailed finished sculptures using SuperSculpey. After curing in the oven, SuperSculpey can be sanded, drilled carved andpainted with water-based acrylic paints.