New Graduate Acrylicsoffer a very affordablerange of acrylic colours.The range features brightand strong colours that areeasy to brush onto surfaces. Theycan be used on any paper surface,primed board or canvas, usedindoors or outdoors and are soversatile they can also be usedwith a variety of acrylic mediums,also available from Daler-Rowney.There are 48 colours in the range,including metallic colours.Graduate Acrylic colours are ofgood pigment strength and floweasily across paper and primedsurfaces. Colours are water-basedand contain no solvents. Inaccordance with EC labelingregulations, all colours areclassified as non-dangerous for use.The advantage of acrylic colours to schoolsand hobbyists, of course, is that artwork canbe dried and stored away shortly after an artclass has been completed, and will notsmudge if water is spilled on the surface of thepainting. The colours are fast-drying, durableand flexible, so paintings will last a long time.Paper and canvas coated with GraduateAcrylic can be loosely rolled and storedwithout fear of cracking.
We carry
Holbein MatAcrylic is availablein 36 intenselypigmented ArtistColors in 110mltubes. Holbein Mat Acrylic has abuttery consistency and uniquetexture that dries to a vivid matfinish. Each color offers outstandinglightfast qualities and exceptionalcovering power.Holbein Mat Acrylic can be useddirectly as a painting medium or as asuccessful ground for acrylics,aqueous colors, oil color and temperapaints. Holbein Mat Acrylic is the ultimateversatile medium for Artists.
RE-ENGINEEREDA completely re-engineered ArtistAcrylic which consistently deliversmore color vigor and lightfastratings. They can be thinned withwater or Holbein Acrylic Mediumsor scrumbled as a thin dry brushlayer. The acrylic body is brushableand will retain any peaks or ridgescreated when applied in thickapplications.ENHANCED BRILLIANCEHolbein's new acrylic range is highquality, heavy body artist acrylic, specificallydesigned to add more luster and brilliance toyour paintings.113 CAREFULLY DETAILED COLORSUtilizing the best traditional organicpigments as well as the latest and mostup to date inorganic pigments, HolbeinHeavy Body Artist Acrylic rangeaffords the user seamless andeffortless mixing and thinning.SUPERIOR, SMOOTH, VIVID.Superior, smooth and vivid inevery way. Holbein Heavy BodyArtist Acrylic range is certain tomeet and surpass the demandsof the modern artist, whetherpainting small or large, opaqueor transparent.
Heavy Body Acrylic ColorsThe original line of GOLDENArtist Acrylics is known for its exceptionallysmooth, thick buttery consistency. Itcontains the largest assortment of uniquepure pigments in a 100% acrylic emulsionvehicle available to the professional artist.These colors offer excellent permanency andlightfastness. There are no fillers, extenders,opacifiers, toners, or dyes added.Each Heavy Body color is formulateddifferently depending on the nature ofthe pigment. Colors that toleratehigher pigment "loads" dry to amore opaque, matte finish. Colorsthat are more reactive and do notaccept high pigment loading dryto a glossy finish and tend to bemore transparent. Heavy Bodycolors contain no additives,such as matting agents,therefore the gloss of eachcolor will be different.
Fluid Colorscontain near the samepigment strength as Golden Heavy Bodycolors in a pourable, low viscosity formula.Available in 1 oz. sizes.
GOLDEN Fluid Acrylic
Liquitex BASICS® AcrylicPaint is developed forstudents and artists thatneed quality at outstandingvalue. Each color isuniquely formulated tobring out the maximumbrilliance and clarity of theindividual pigment.
A very high degree of lightfastness,thanks to the use of pure,stable pigments. Your worksof art will retain theiroriginal color for decades. A very strong and flexiblepaint film as a 100% acrylateemulsion is used as binder.Exceptionally durable for along-lasting result.Suitable for painting murals.Practically odorless.No solvent is necessary.Easy to thin with water.Thin layers dry within half an hour.
Jo Sonja's Artists Colours aremade from only the finest qualitypure pigments. All colours in the range arelightfast and carry ASTM ratings as yourguarantee against colour fade. Feel confidentthat the colours in your designs will remain truefor generations, just as vibrant as the day theywere painted.We continually test our products for quality andperformance to ensure that Jo Sonja's Artists'Colours remain the best possible productavailable for decorative artists.Jo Sonja's Artists' Colours are flow formulaacrylics offering the look and feel of traditionalgouache. They offer superb handling andbrushing characteristics together with purityand strength of colour. Acrylic gouache is apopular medium for design works on paper anddecorative art, providing opacity of colour and abeautiful, matte velvet finish. Unlike traditionalgouache, colour layering can be achieved easilythroughout a painting, as the paints will drywithin minutes.
Atelier Interactive isthe most versatileacrylic paint on themarket. It handles likea conventional acrylicmaking it apopularchoice forFast DryingTechniques,but it has otherexclusive abilities if you want to use them.Atelier Interactive is the world’s only acrylicpaint that gives you a new option; ControlledDrying Techniques . You can control the paint'sopen time for as long as you want using a finemist of water or moist brush; blending layers ofAtelier Interactive is easier and far smootherthan with any other acrylic. When you want toreturn to Fast Drying Techniques, simplywithhold water and it will dry rapidly again. It’sthat easy - and only possible with AtelierInteractive’s unique patented formula.There is another unique benefit: AtelierInteractive allows you to re-activate touch-drypaint using Atelier Unlocking Formula, to returnto wet-in-wet blending. A true revolution inacrylic paint technology!Atelier Interactive is available in 75 colourspackaged in 80ml - 2.7 Oz Tubes
DecoArt Traditionsresin-based acrylicpaint can perform asan acrylic, watercolor, or oil paint. Itutilizes the highest quality, lightfast, safe, purepigments available today. Traditions paint isideal for many surfaces, including wood, canvas,metal, leather, ceramic bisque, paper, and walls.One of the defining factors in Traditions paint isthe quality and clarity of the resin base, whichallows a controlled working time withoutaffecting the color of the paint. DecoArtTraditions paint is available in 58 classic artist'scolors. Available in 3 oz size.
AmericanaAcrylics arethe number oneselling premium,all-purpose, matte finish acrylicpaints available at a budget friendly price. Theseacrylic paints deliver superior coverage with apermanent, durable finish. Ideal for professionalartists, crafters, and students.Americana Acrylic paint is water-based, non-toxic and can be varnished to create varioussheens. This acrylic paint can be used on almostany surface.
With a high level of pigmentationGaleria offers brilliant colours andgood covering power. The rangealso has opaque versions of somenaturally transparent colours, forexample Raw Sienna Opaque andBurnt Sienna Opaque.Consistency & TextureIn comparison to oil,acrylics generally haveless body. We haveworked hard tocreate a good butteryconsistency for quick andeasy coverage, whilemaking sure that thebrush marks you wantremain.
Colors in theMetallic PaintCollection containthree levels ofcoverage/hide:Opaque, Semi-Opaque and Sheer.Opaque colors haveexcellent hide; two coats arerecommended for best results. Semi-Opaquecolors have good hide; three coats arerecommended for best results. Sheer colors aretranslucent overcoats that when viewed fromvarious angles flash color and/or give luster totraditional paints, other Metallic Paint colors orfaux finishes/broken color.