This 100% rag double-side coated paperoffers an exceptional pure white tone usingnatural minerals and an extra smooth,sensual surface. Rag Photographique Duoprovides one of the highest achievable Dmaxcurrently available on the market.Rag Photographique Duo is the ideal Fine Artpaper to create stunning photographs,prestigious portfolios and photo albums.
Photo HighGloss Premium RC consists of anultra-smooth, alpha-cellulose, acid-freepaper coated with polyethylene and multiplemicroporous colour receiver layers.This ultra-white photo paper currently hasthe highest gloss level of the photographicresin-coated paper market. This paper offersvivid colours and deep blacks, coupled withexcellent image sharpness, with a resolutionof up to 5760 dpi.Photo High Gloss Premium RC has beendesigned to comply with the highest lifespanrequirements and respects the ISO 9706standard.Photo High Gloss Premium RC offers anexceptional Dmax and extremely wide colour gamut, making it the product of choice forstunning colour photos.
Baryta Photographique is a true Barytapaper developed for inkjet technology. Itconsists of an alpha-cellulose, acid-free purewhite paper with the same barium sulphatecoating as for traditional silver halide and apremium inkjet colour receiver layer.Baryta Photographique offers the look andaesthetic of the original darkroom barytaprint and complies with the ISO 9706standard for maximum longevity.This museum grade photo paper showsexcellent black density and great imagesharpness, making it ideal for black andwhite photography.
The world’s most famous pastel paper isrenowned for its unsurpassed quality andtexture. Now available for the digital printprofessional, Mi-Teintes® uniquehoneycomb structure adds greaterdimension and elegance to digital printing.The paper is free of OBAs to ensureconsistency of shades over generations andguarantee the highest lifespan.Mi-Teintes® renders colours faithfully andis a superlative choice for pastelreproductions, other Fine Art andphotographic printing.